Describ Cooperative Federalism In The United States

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Federalism is defined as a form of government in which a grouping of states or different groups are under the ruling of one, central power. Federalism gives power to both the Federal government , but also powers to the state. Over the course of history, federalism has gone through many changes and it continues to change as situations arise in our country. It can be traced back to 1200-1400 AD when a federal union known as the Iroquois Confederation was formed when the Senecas, Onondagas, Oneidas, Mohawks and Cayugas ended their war. When the U.S. Constitution was being constructed James Madison, John Jay and Alex Hamilton (its founders) thought the new system needed a more central form of an authority. They wanted a strong national government that could handle the problems associated with debt and trade between states.. This US. Constitution provided a system of dual federalism which stated specific responsibilities of the state government and the national government. This was the time between 1789-1901. During this time there was little interaction between the national government and the state government. Each had equal power with their own levels of authority. A major issue during the civil war was whether each state had the right to make their own choices or whether the union was a unified nation. Regulated Federalism is used to …show more content…

This period was very popular after the Great Depression during the 1930’s and went through the 1960’s. During this era, the national and state governments worked together at the various levels. This was a time where our nation needed it's government to take control and fix problems, especially with the economy. During this time, the separation of federal and state powers was less evident. Grant in aid system and the national income tax were implemented during this

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