Descrates Mind And Body Dualism Analysis

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Philosopher Descrates asked: “What am I?“ this was Descrates way of trying to determine what his being was made of. If Descrates were a person for example, when he died he would no longer be a person but, rather a corpse. Mind and body dualism is the distinct characteristic of both the body and the mind. Descrates believed that the mind could function without the body. The belief was that the body was possibly non-existent, something like an image of the imagination, which he argued was uncertain. Descrates draws out a difference between imagination and intellect. The imagination for instance: “1) Requires additional effort, 2) Is not a required part of the essence of my mind, and 3)depends on something distinct from me.” (South University …show more content…

Free will is making choices and decisions that is not forced or driven by an external force but, instead comes from a intellect within on right and wrong. If an individual goes too far with his free will or takes advantage of having a free will then that results in the errors that humans tend to always commit. “Descartes thus concludes: 1)There can be both free will and God. 2)We can attain correct knowledge about ourselves and the world if we are careful to never judge anything that we do not clearly and distinctly understand.” (South University …show more content…

Review all beliefs for clarity and coherence.”(South University Online) Different from Descrate and his philosophy, empiricist John Locke had different thoughts on the mind and body. Locke felt that what really lead to knowledge of things was our experiences beginning at the time we are born, he believed that our brains were blank with no knowledge or information and only existed until our senses activated at the time we were born. Locke believed that as an individual lives life and grows older we are then filled with experiences that allows our mind to communicate with our bodies, something that Descrate was unable to answer since he believed that the mind and the body were totally separate. Locke also thought that some things just are for example, an object just is, whether it be broken, dissolved, melted, cut it just is because it remains the same, same volume, ounces and weight, this is known as the primary qualities, the secondary qualities he believed were created in the

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