Derrida And Derrida Philosophy

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Deconstruction is the core idea of Jacques Derrida’s philosophy. And Derrida’s philosophical theory on Deconstruction is also the main part in this realm. The word “deconstruction” is always tied with the name Derrida.
The background of Derrida’s philosophy on deconstruction is that some people think the structure of the philosophy is perfect and has no space to develop. Some scholars consider that the philosophy reached its limitation and was dying. ‘人们谈的最多的是哲学的局限,有时甚至是哲学的“终结”和“死亡”’(2)Derrida, Jacques Écriture et la différence. Chinese 書寫與差異 = L'écriture et la difference / 雅克.德里達著 ; 張寧譯 北京市 : 生活.讀書.新知三聯書店, 2001
However, Derrida doesn’t agree with this view of point.
He presents an idea of Logocentrism, which is “the mark of ‘metaphysics of presence’” and “the very foundation of Western thought”. (183) First reading material’s quotation“‘Logocentrism’ is the term Derrida uses to cover that form of rationalism that presupposes a ‘presence’ behind language and text—a “presence” such as an idea, an intention, a truth, a meaning or a reference for which language acts as a subservient and convenient vehicle of expression.” (182) First reading material’s quotation欧洲中心主义
That is a criticism of the establish structure of the European academia.
Derrida thinks that Logocentrism is unreasonable. As a result, he raises deconstruction to against the established philosophy.
As he says in his paper, “Nevertheless, up to the event which I wish to mark our an define, structure—or rather the structurelity of structure—although it has always been at work, has always been neutralized or reduced, and this by a process of giving it a center of referring it to a point of presence, a fixed origin, the function of this center was not only to orien...

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...laire’s work is the failure of Baudelaire the man, Van Gogh’s his madness, Tchaikovsky’s his vice.” (186) 意象由作者决定First reading material’s quotation
“We know now that text is not a line of words releasing a single ‘theological’ meaning (the ‘message’ of the Author-God) but a multi-dimensional space in which a variety of writings, none of them original, blend and clash. The text is a tissue of quotations drawn from the innumerable centres of culture.” (188) 文本的多重解读First reading material’s quotation
With the development of the globalization, transnationalism emerges. This new conception is a consequence of the interaction in the aspects of the economy, politic, culture and population between countries. The interaction is based on the immigration. The flows of the population build connections between different cultures. They break the boundaries of the nation-states.

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