Depression: The Symptoms Of Depression

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Depression is a serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant. It brings together a variety of physical and psychological symptoms which together constitute a syndrome. There are many types of depression which each have their own causes, symptoms and forms of dealing with them. While some forms of depression are chemical based which can be a result of genetics, others are based on traumatic experiences which can trigger the person to have these feelings of hopelessness. There are many symptoms that are expressed with depression and treatments are available for those who suffer with the illness. If gone untreated, depression can lead to serious complications and other mental diseases coming to the surface. …show more content…

However, the most common causes include abuse, medications, conflicts, death or a loss, genetics, major events, serious illnesses, substance abuse, and other personal problems. Abuse, which could be physical, sexual or emotional, in the early stages of life can cause depression in the later years of someone’s life. Researchers believe that abuse harms parts of the hippocampus, part of brain, which causes him to be more vulnerable to depression. Specific medications have side effects that is or can lead to depression. Medications can off balance the chemicals levels in the brain, producing depression, An example would be the acne treatment, Accutane or the antiviral drug, interferon-alpha. Someone can also develop depression from the emotional harm done by fighting with family members or a loved one. Experiencing someone close moving out of your life usually always makes a person sad, but depressed people are more than just sad; they believe that their life is unimportant and hopeless. Scientists know that depression is hereditary by studying the patterns of illnesses in families to determine a percentage of how much the cause of depression was caused by genes, which is called the heritability. Specifically they look at a twin who has depression sees if the other has depression and they came to the conclusion that the heritability is 40-50% (Levinson 1). Genes can cause depression, but so can other stressful, more emotional things, like when a major event is stressing a person out. This could mean a new job, graduating, getting married, losing a job, getting divorced, and retiring. Sometimes depression is a reaction to a major illness, or co-exists. Substance abuse and depression is one of those situations of which came first. Sometimes depression caused substance abuse, while substance abuse can cause depression. Adding to this long list, any other personal problems, like being bullied or

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