Enviromental Causes Of Depression

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Depression is a complex disease, and it may occur for a variety of reasons. There are many people dealing with depression today and a lot of those reasons come from biological factors, environmental factors, and major life events. According to healthline.com, there is one in ten Americans that report having symptoms of depression. Eighty percent of people have symptoms of clinical depression, and are not getting treated for it. First, There are a few biological factors that may lead to depression, such as, a change in neurotransmitters in your brain, a chemical imbalance of hormones, and it could be inherited from family. Second, environmental causes also play a role in people developing depression. There are things that happen …show more content…

This would include death or loss of a family member or friend, financial hardship, or chronic medical illness. One of these occurrences could be the single event that happens prior to a person becoming depressed. (“Enviromental Causes of Depression”) Feelings of hopelessness or guilt may consume the member. People who suffer with major depression would feel isolated, act disconnected from others, and turn away from any support. Without the support, or avoid it also increase their chances of becoming clinically depressed (Nowinski, Okun). Also, financial trouble may cause the member to be depressed. Members have to take care of their families, houses, and cars, when financial burden comes upon them, a feeling of hopelessness may overcome them. Lastly, chronic medical illness may cause depression in people. Chronic illness is a disorder that lasts long periods of time, and may never be fully healed. “It is estimated that up to one-third of people with serious medical conditions have depression symptoms” Depression Health Center. Some chronic illnesses limit a person’s ability to interact with others, and if the illness causes discomfort or fatigue, it will cause depression. (“Coping With Chronic Illnesses and

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