Dental Veneers Essay

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Have you wondered if dental veneers might be right for you? After all a good-looking smile is what we all want and veneers are a good option. But are they right for you? To know if you should be considering dental veneers as an option you must first know what they are, how they work and whether or not you’re a possible candidate for them. Before you sit down in the dental chair to make this permanent change find out more about dental veneers and why they’ve become such a popular choice for a beautiful-looking smile. Dental Veneers: What Are They?
The ADA’s website explains veneers themselves are shells that are custom-crafted; they are made of tooth-colored materials which cover the front of your teeth. A dental technician makes these, …show more content…

Veneers cannot be undone, as mentioned earlier they are permanent. Two Types of Veneers:
There are two types of materials most commonly used for dental veneers: composite resin and porcelain. Both are or can be made by a dental technician in a lab and both are used to bond your veneers to your teeth. However porcelain is extremely brittle until it is bonded with the veneer and your teeth, then it is strong and durable like the composite resin. Are You A Good Candidate For Dental Veneers? Since dental veneers are permanent it is important to know ahead of time if you are a good candidate. The Consumer Guide to Dentistry gives some of the following criteria are used for deciding whether or not dental veneers are a good fit for your teeth: Discolored, chipped, poorly-shaped, uneven or decayed teeth
Worn enamel
Wear and tear
Genetics and gaps between teeth

Let’s look at each of these in greater …show more content…

Many people opt just to cover their front teeth but you and your dentist will discuss this in your initial consult.

What To Expect Before, During And After Veneers:
Now that you know the basics of dental veneers from what they are to the pros and cons of having them, it’d be helpful to know what to expect from the actual process of having them implanted. As mentioned earlier, this process often requires two dental visits, and typically those visits are spaced out over a period of six weeks. You should talk to your dental office about how long these appointments will be as they could take several hours and may involve exams and other preparation. describes what to expect from the entire dental veneer process, step by step. Step-by-Step Dental Veneers
We won’t go into too much detail here but instead will give you an overview of what to expect from each stage of the dental veneer implant process. Initially you’ll be given an anesthetic so you’re comfortable. Then your teeth will be reshaped so the veneers fit properly. If you are using composite resin veneers they will be applied, layer by layer as necessary. They will then be polished so your smile is

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