Dental Implant Persuasive Speech

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If you are missing some or all of your natural teeth, we may have the tooth replacement option for you. Dental implants are a strong, reliable way to replace your missing teeth and restore the beauty, functionality, and health of your mouth. Read on to learn more about dental implants, bone grafts, and if implants are right for you.

What Is A Dental Implant?

Dental implants replace a missing tooth or teeth with artificial teeth. At Sunrise Dental, we have a dental implant specialist at each of our Raleigh, Durham, Cary, and Chapel Hill, NC dentist offices.

At the beginning of the dental implant procedure, titanium posts are surgically inserted into the jaw. Titanium is readily accepted by the body, which means that the jawbone will completely heal around the titanium screw. Once the healing is complete, the artificial tooth is attached to the screw. …show more content…

In order to place dental implants, a certain amount of jawbone material must be available. If you are experiencing jawbone deterioration, you may need to have a bone grafting procedure before implant placement. The grafting procedure allows us to build up the bone in any particular area so that we can more successfully place the dental implants. For more information about our oral surgery procedures, visit our page here.

Am I A Good Candidate For Dental Implants?

Although dental implants are an effective and aesthetically pleasing treatment for many patients, not everyone is an ideal candidate. A good candidate for dental implants must be in relatively good health, as dental implants require the patient to undergo a surgical operation. The ideal candidate also has healthy gums and sufficient bone to support the titanium screw implants. Additionally, it’s important that the candidate acknowledge and commit to a meticulous, long-term oral hygiene regimen, as well as regularly scheduled visits to their Triangle-area dentist.

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