Dens Invaginatus (DI)

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Dens Invaginatus (DI) is a rare malformation of teeth, showing a broad spectrum of morphological variation. The tooth crown as well as root may exhibit variations in size and shape. This kind of tooth malformation was first described by Ploquet in 1794, who discovered this anomaly in whale’s tooth. Initial descriptions of dens invaginatus in a human tooth was given by Salter in 1855 1 and Socrates in 1856.2 While Tomes first described a case of coronal DI in 1859.3 Since then various names have been attributed to this anomaly like dens in dente, dilated odontome, tooth inclusion, warty tooth etc.4

The incidence of DI in various population studies is found to vary from 0.25 to 10%. It appears to occur with equal frequency among Caucasian and Asian population (approximately 5%).3 There are two varieties of DI, coronal and radicular. The more common coronal variety usually originates from an anomalous infolding of enamel organ into the dental papilla. ‘Bhatt and Dholakia’ claimed that the radicular invagination usually results from an enfolding of Hertwig’s root sheath.5 Both these types usually show single invagination; though very infrequently double or triple forms have been reported.

It is commonly seen to involve the permanent maxillary lateral incisors and very few cases have been reported in mandibular teeth. Clinically it often appears as a deep pit or fissure on the lingual surface of anterior teeth, leading to an invagination and radiographic examination is the sine qua non for the diagnosis of DI. There is often only a thin layer of enamel and dentine present between defect and pulp, increasing susceptibility to pulpal pathosis. Thus, a report of rare case of dens invaginatus in a mandibular canine sho...

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...ernational Endodontic Journal 1997;30:79-90.
3) Mupparapu M, Singer SR. A rare case presentation of dens invaginatus in a mandibular lateral incisor occurring concurrently with bilateral maxillary dens invaginatus: case report and review of literature, Australian dental journal 2004; 29(4):90-93.
4) Anegundi RT, Kaveri H, Patil SB, Punnya A. Double dens invaginatus in an impacted molariform supernumerary tooth: An unique case report. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Den 2008; 26:s26-s28.
5) Pandey SC, Pandey Rk. Radicular dens invaginatus-a case report. J Indian Soc Pedo Prev 2005; 23: 151-2.
6) Canger EM, Celenk P, Sezgin OM Dens invaginatus on a geminated tooth: a case report. The J Contemp Dent Pract 2007;8(5): 99-115.
7) Suprabha BS. Premolarized double dens in dentine in albinism- a case report. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Den 2005; sept:156-158.

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