Demography Is A Discipline In Ecology: Pre-Lab Questions On Population And Population

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Pre-Lab Questions
1. Demography is a discipline in Ecology that deals with population measures such as, age, size and overall structure are critical to demographic work. Demography is used to help understand a population’s growth pattern, although not all individuals are the same age and size or have the same survival and birth rates. Demography allows for greater depth and detail of a population’s structure to be characterized and analyzed.

2. There are two methods for collecting demographic data, static and dynamic. The static method of collection, also known as time specific, looks at existing populations and classifies age classes from samples of individuals living a population (inventories). This method also includes looking for evidence …show more content…

The biological hypothesis assumes that there should be a positive relationship between the year born and living a longer life, wherein the age at death is increasing The null hypothesis assumes that there is a relationship between birth year and living a longer life found in the pooled data of males and females sampled from Woodland Cemetery as determined by a slope of 0. The analysis shows a negative relationship between year born and the age of death. Wherein the age at death has occurred early as the years have progressed. As determined by a p-value of 0.000000000168, this result is very significant and the null hypothesis is rejected and there is a linear relationship between age at death and year born due to having a slope of 453.95. The r2 value of 0.00534 reflects a relatively low to moderate correlation between year born and age at death. These results are counterintuitive to the original hypothesis; however, the results can be explained by biological and social interactions. For example, it is possible that are behavioral and physiological traits that have inherently encouraged earlier death rates. Perhaps the changes in lifestyles after the industrial revolutions, have played a role. For example, changes in dietary patterns, increased globalization, and changes in the workplace have all lead to an increase in chronic disease that would put people at risk for an earlier

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