Democracy Analysis Essay

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Democracy Analysis
According to Keohane (2003), promoting democratic systems of governance internally and externally and high observance of personal freedom rights has been one of the main fundamental principles within the United States. As a nation that is fully committed to its ideals, the US has since time immemorial held that political ideals and principles are conceptually and universally allowed. Agreeing to support democracy in its entirety not only upholds the American values as enshrined in the constitution but also supports the country's stability, security, religious and social freedoms as well as workers' rights (Duffield, 2001). The country's internal support for democracy additionally reflects on the outside where …show more content…

The US has a multi-party political system of governance, although it is largely controlled by two political parties: Republican Party and the Democratic Party (Hero, 2010). Having two major opposing political parties is good for the political health of the country, as people can either choose to be on either side of the divide. There are other political parties in the US, such as the Independent Party, the Vermont Progressive Party, and Libertarian Party among others. Currently, the Republican and the Democratic Party in the US are the major competing political parties, and the trend has been as such for the past few decades. Since the dawn of the 20th Century, America has been served by Presidents from these two …show more content…

The US has adopted a presidential system of governance, whereby the President is the Chief Executive, and a Congress consisting of members elected to office through democratically held elections (Nie, Verba & Petrocik, 1999). This system has two entities, the lower house – the House of Representatives- and the upper house - the Senate. The roles for both houses are defined in the constitution, and each has a mandate according to the powers and privileges bestowed upon them by the US

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