Dell Vs. Groves

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The responsibility of a CEO encompasses the design, implementation and execution of the many facets of a business. It is the core duty of a CEO to see that all sectors are handled and that the main objective of the business is clear. Despite the common goal of a business which is to generate revenue, different people employ different methods in order to attain this goal. Through the review of two chapters within Jeffrey A. Krames book, What the Best CEOS Know: 7 Exceptional Leaders and Their Lessons for Transforming Any Business , I will be analyzing the successes of both Michael Dell (Founder & CEO of Dell Computer) and Andy Grove (Co-founder and Former CEO of Intel). This analysis will begin with a brief introduction of both men and their contributions; followed by a discussion of any resistance encountered; proceeded by perceived similarities and differences amongst the two professionals; concluded by my assessment of which factors impacted their success.
Introduction of Professionals and Their Contributions
Founder and CEO of Dell Computer Corporation, Michael Dell started his personal computer vision in his college dorm room, registered his vision as a business and in a short time became the youngest CEO of a Fortune 500 company at the age of 27 (Kramer, 2003, p.58). Dell effectively utilized the internet and began “raking in between $60 and $70 million over the internet on a daily basis”. (Kramer, 2003, p.65)
Co-Founder and former CEO of Intel, Andy Grove helped to create a small high-tech company and turn it into “what would become the world’s largest chipmaker” and named Person of the year by Time Magazine (Krames, 2003, p.135) By the close of his reign as CEO of Intel, “Intel was a $26 billion juggernaut delivering ...

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... his initial vision was.
Andy Grove’ success in my opinion has been guided by environmental, professional, and personal factors. His exposure to adversity early on gave him the ability to embrace change and quickly adapt to the ever changing demands of technology. Professionally he has overcome many obstacles and with that he also learned the art of anticipation and preparedness for change. Technology in itself is very environmentally driven so the impact that the environment has had is great. Intel’s product is at the heart of technology, it is the dual core.
You can take two men, with different vantage points, visions, and backgrounds and still find the likeness. Both Dell and Groves have achieved success that many dream of. They have done so through hard work and learned mistakes. Paths do not have to be the same in order to share the common goal of success.

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