Dehumanization In Hotel Rwanda Essay

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Tutsi – A group of people in Rwanda that initially started as the cattle raising people of the old tribes. The Tutsi ruled over the Hutu for the majority of the time, until 1962 where the Hutu revolted. Then in 1994 the president of Rwanda’s plane was shot down, which sparked a massive violent out brake of Hutus killing Tutsis. In the film “Hotel Rwanda”, the Tutsi were the refugees in the hotel, trying to hide from the murdering Hutus.

Irish Republican Army – The IRA held the belief that all of Ireland should be its own independent republic from England. After WWI ended, Irish local started the Irish War for Independence in 1919, where the English eventually settled and made a treaty for the Irish. In 1922 the IRA rejected the Anglo-Saxon Treaty, and fought again for Irish independence, where they were eventually defeated. In the film “The Wind That …show more content…

What role does dehumanization play in 20th century mass violence? – When there is any form of mass violence the perpetrators must disassociate human being from the people that they are killing. To dehumanize someone is no make them seem like a lesser being or an animal or savage in your eye. This causes us to lose our sense of empathy for that person, and allows us to be able to slaughter them like cattle, because that is what they are, cattle. There are many places all around the world that show how dehumanization is necessary for a genocide to occur. The most prominent example of dehumanization for genocide is in WWII Germany, during the Holocaust. In this time Hitler began to spew anti-Semitic propaganda against the Jewish. His influence of the people was able to drive people to hatred by calling them thieves and criminals. The fact that any person could remain somewhat sane while guarding a concentration camp, without thinking that the people there were not actual people is impossible. By dehumanizing them, they were able to stomach shear horror of it

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