Definition Of Descriptive Statistics

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Statistics Statistics can be defined as the scientific study of numerical data based on variation in nature. It deals with the collection, compilation, presentation, analysis and interpretation of numerical data. Biometry Biometry is concerned with the application of statistical methods to the solution of biological problems. Population In statistics we concentrate on the collection of values of the characteristic, or record of a qualitative trait, evaluated for each unit in the population. We call this the statistical population or simply the population. A population refers to complete set of individuals, objects or measurements having some common observable characteristics. In other words, the population can be defined as a collection, …show more content…

These are commonly known as descriptive statistics. Nowadays, a major emphasis of the statistics is the evaluation of information present in data and the assessment of the new learning gained from this information. This is the area of inferential statistics and its associated methods are known as the methods of statistical inference. Descriptive statistics help summarize the sample. Procedures for statistical inference allow us to make generalizations about the population from the information in the sample. Thus, the field of statistics can be divided into two general areas, descriptive statistics and inferential …show more content…

Thus, descriptive statistics consists of methods and procedures for presenting and summarizing data. The procedures most commonly employed in descriptive statistics are the use of tables and graphs, and the computation of measures of central tendency and variability. The purpose of descriptive statistics is to summarize or display data so we can quickly obtain an overview. Inferential statistics employs data in order to draw inferences (i.e., derive conclusions) or make predictions. In inferential statistics sample data are employed to draw inferences about one or more populations from which the samples have been derived. Inferential statistics allows us to make claims or conclusions about a population based on a sample of data from that population. Data and

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