Defining a Human Being

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Defining a Human Being

Dictionary Definition:

Human being- a man, woman or child from the species homo sapiens.

Homo sapiens- the primate species of which modern humans belong.


As you can see, there is no one single thing that makes us human. What

you must do is a flow chart to cancel out other life forms to leave

humans, thus showing what only humans have.

The diagram shows firstly that humans fit into the "mammals" category,

which cancels out everything else like reptiles, fish, birds, etc.

Then it shows that humans have forefingers and are able to hold and

use tools. The only things left now are monkeys and humans.

Unlike monkeys humans are able to thing rationally. Once you have

asked and answered that question (Do we think rationally) you are only

left with humans.

Are we mammals?




Are we able to hold tools

[IMAGE][IMAGE] because we have thumbs?


[IMAGE][IMAGE]Do we think rationally?

Human Beings NO YES

A mammal is a warm blooded vertebrate animal of a class (Mammalia)

that is distinguished by the possession of hair or fur, the secretion

of milk and (typically) the birth of live young. Examples: Monkeys,

cat family, dog family, whales and the marsupial family.

Rational thinking is the ability to thing sensibly, logically and to

be able to plan ahead. This means that humans can write and understand

stories, poetry and books. It means they can think, not only what is

for dinner tonight? But also what is for dinner six months from now?

They can also have the urge to form civilization and conquer other

countries leading to war, not many life forms have civilization and


When does human personhood begin?


Life and personhood are two very different issues. The male sperm and

the female ovum are both forms of life but do not have personhood.

This raises the point of when does personhood begin?

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