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Defining Religion
The most fundamental question when examining a religion is "what is
religion?" That is a distinctly hard question to answer considering
that what is ordinarily considered to be religion is not all it is,
and what many consider not to be religion may be near religious (i.e.
The truth is that there are no genuine answers to the question of
"what is religion". Definitions of religion tend to suffer from one of
two problems: they are either too narrow and exclude many of the
belief systems which most people will agree are religious, or they are
too vague and ambiguous, leading one to conclude that just about any
and everything is actually a religion. Thus defining religion seems to
be a matter of belief more than anything else where the opinion of the
definer matters more than any objectively factual material.
For a person's conception of how religion ought to be examined will
determine to a large extent that person's view of the value (or lack
of value) of being religious, whether or not that person actually
examines religion in depth. The other important factor is what a
person actually finds as a result of engaging in a religious search.
Some approaches make it easier to find something religiously
meaningful in life, while others make it more difficult. For example,
some people would identify "examining religion" with discovering
certain external facts, such as the "true" date and authorship of some
religious texts, or observing people as they engage in religious
practices in order to discover the social or psychological factors
causing them to act in such a way.
Such an assumption often tends...
... middle of paper ...
...d myself mistaken and punished...."
Far from punishing Darwin, succeeding generations treated his memory
rather well. He is buried in Westminster Abbey, among British royalty
and such notables as Newton and Disraeli; his residence at Down House
is now a government-run museum. In contrast Wallace's last home was
demolished decades ago to make room for apartments. His gravesite,
marked shortly after his death in 1913 with a petrified tree trunk for
a monument, is now overgrown and difficult even to find.
However, it is quite interesting to notice that the question of
priority for the advance in understanding remains wide open. Over the
past few decades, some historians have argued that Wallace (a
self-educated naturalist of humble birth and means) in fact beat
Darwin (an upper-class gentleman scientist) to the punch.
There are many social institutions that have major impacts on society. One of the trickiest social institutions would have to be, religion. Religion seems to have a huge impact on a society even if it’s directly or indirectly. Why is that? Do we need it? Does it let us live a more fulfilled life? What effects does it have on society? Is it necessary for a functioning society? According to Dalton Conley (2013:611) sociology defines religion as being a unified system of beliefs traditions, and practices around sacred things; a set of shared “stories” that guide belief and action. Religion is a way for people to make sense of the world, it keeps society in line with expected behaviors. Without religion people would subside to create their own rules and would deem to follow a path that could harm a society and come to an end. Religion is necessary for a society to function, prosper, and for someone to learn how to be a well moral contributor to society.
Religion has existed since the dawn of civilization and over time has evolved into the religions we have today. Today the most prominent religions are monotheistic, having one omnipotent god, and despite having many differences they share basic tenets of respect and kindness. Religions, such as Judaism, give explanations for the unknown, provide hope, and bring about a sense of community.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines puritanism as the beliefs and practices of people who follow very strict moral and religious rules about the proper way to behave and live. Puritans based their beliefs off the idea that God was morally right and supreme above all others. In Anne Bradstreet’s “To My Dear and Loving Husband” and “Upon the Burning of Our House” and Jonathan Edwards’ “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” it is very evident of this idea that the Puritans had believed. With the access to the Earl’s library, Anne Bradstreet used it to help educate herself. Marrying young, Anne Bradstreet left England and sailed to America with her husband. Enduring the harsh conditions of her new life in America, Anne Bradstreet used her faith in God and poetry to help her survive in her new home. Jonathan Edwards, a child prodigy had experienced a religious experience while at Yale University that had made him want to follow in the path of his father and grandfather and become a minister. After the passing of his grandfather, Jonathan Edwards became a pastor and eventually, an influential preacher. Using sermons so powerful and influential, Jonathan Edwards actually helped trigger the Great Awakening, a religious movement
What is religion? Each person’s definition of religion is different. Each person’s faith is different. This is a question that has been asked for centuries, and regardless of the answer given there is no right or wrong answer. Religion can be defined as a group of people who have shared beliefs who feel their life has purpose or meaning. This feeling or belief that their life has meaning can come from outside of themselves, as well as within. Taking this one step further, these shared beliefs put into action in the form of worship, can be easily identified because they happen regularly. It can be said the Primal religions were in fact not religions. Some may argue Confucianism is not a religion. Others may say Taoism is not a religion. However, one argument can be made. All three of these “religions” share “features.” Huston Smith, author of World’s Religions, says “six features of religion appear so regularly as to suggest that their seeds are in the human makeup.” These six features discussed in World’s Religions are as follows: authority, ritual, explanation, tradition, grace, and mystery (World’s, Page 67). First is authority, Smith argues religion is so complex that people will need assistance or guidance from those held in a higher light, or of a higher authority. Next is ritual, which can be happy (a wedding) or sad (a funeral), rituals are shared between people of the same religion in many forms as a sign of common beliefs. Following rituals, some explanation is required. Many of a religion’s followers ask for explanations, some ask, “What is my purpose in life?” Others may ask, “Who is God?” Depending on one’s religion, the questions or
Throughout the day’s observation, a plethora of sociological concepts become abundantly apparent. However, for the purpose of this paper, we will only focus on the day’s greatest prevalent concepts. The first concept that strikes as a significant sociological concept is family as it is the opening and closing concept of the day. Next, the concept of gender roles appears as important because of the masculine groups that are so prevalent during observation. Third, the theory of religion grabs its place in prevalence due to its ability to center and focus the entire day. Lastly, the concept of stage theory rears into the spot as a result of interactions in the work center. When reviewing these sociological concepts, it becomes abundantly clear
Religion is defined as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. Throughout time, religion has been debated to the point where many have philosophers have claimed it as a crutch for individuals in times of depression or despair. However, the purpose of religion has been argued numerous times and now the age old question remains whether or not religion is a want or a need. This question has been debated, and it is clear where philosophers such as Kierkegaard, James and Nietzsche stand, in regards to such prominent men as Marx, Skinner and Freud. Both sides pose salient arguments and each present strong points. Based on each argument presented, religion is therefore both a want and a need under certain conditions.
Religion is intertwined with culture, economics, politics, and modern social relationships on every dimension. Whether you attend a cathedral, a synagogue, or a mosque, habitually, intermittently, or abstain entirely, you simply cannot escape religion.
Religion is defined as "the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God" . There are many recognised religions of the world, which all teach its followers to live life "the right way", whose definition varies according to the religion itself. They have some beliefs and practices that distinguish themselves from each other. Some examples are differences and similarities of Buddhism and Islam.
Scholars have been trying to come up with a well-founded, acceptable and universal definition of religion for years; however, none of these definitions so far are a perfect fit for all religions of the world. There are many things in our life that are well defined and well understood but, unfortunately, religion is not one of them. There is no common ground and understanding of what religion really means. Religion is what we make of it, so no one can truly define religion in a way that is meaningful across all borders as it is outside of the realm of reason and rationale and the definitions we give could be either too exclusive or inclusive.
Religion can be defined as a system of beliefs and worships which includes a code of ethics and a philosophy of life. Well over 90% of the world 's population adheres to some form of religion. The problem is that there are so many different religions. What is the right religion? What is true religion? The two most common ingredients in religions are rules and rituals. Some religions are essentially nothing more than a list of rules, dos and don 'ts, which a person must observe in order to be considered a faithful adherent of that religion, and thereby, right with the God of that religion. Two examples of rules-based religions are Islam and Judaism. Islam has its five pillars that must be observed.
Religion itself can mean many different things and is interpreted differently by each group of people. The literal meaning of the word “religion” is “a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects.” Religion is divided into different secs such as Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc. Although religion is aimed to unite people and bring them together, I believe there are certain aspects that divide people or make them “different” from everyone else. The factors that have caused religion to divide are war and violence, the caste system, and rituals.
What is real power? Most people describe real power as having a high paying job
The definition of religion is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods(Merriam-Webster). After this semester I have come to realize that religion is a much more advanced, complicated, and personal definition. Religion can’t be defined in one word or one term because there is a lot that religion entails. There really is no concrete answer of what religion is and the definition varies among different groups of people and individuals.
Religion is a form of practicing spirituality, it is a way to connect or communicate with their supreme being. It also influences individuals to perceive life, nature, ethics, or themselves in a different form, that way is my perspective of what religion is. Throughout this semester, we have learned about the major religions and other religions that are not so common. I have also gained more knowledge about not just the religion that I practice, Catholicism, but about other religions, beside own. By learning more about other religions and understanding the way they perceive society, nature, and how they function, it has changed the way I perceive religion.
My definition of religion has mostly stayed the same, but my perception of it has changed. At the beginning of the class, I assumed religion was something you believed based on your moral principles. I now believe that those moral principles are based on the religion that you believe in. Your religion changes your perception of the world and how to go about in it. Your religion tells you what is right and wrong in the world and answers all of the big questions one asks. Religion according to our book is, “A pattern of beliefs and practices that expresses and enacts what a community regards as sacred and/or ultimate about life” (Van Voorst 6). That definition was one thing that really got me thinking about my own personal idea of what religion