Death Of Ivan Ilyich Analysis

610 Words2 Pages

Lauren Higdon
Mr. Laplame
English 272
16 September 2015
Death of Ivan Iliych: Illness Illness is condition of the body or mind, a specific condition that prevents your body or mind from working normally. Illness can bring people together or tear them apart. In the 1800s their technology was not as advance as they are today. They made up things to do and if it worked, you lived a little bit longer. In the 1800s everything was just trial and error. Most diseases you received just required rest and lots of water. During the social illness of Victorian Russia there was a problem between race, class and gender. They were all about some social change. Tolstoy was one of five children. His mother died at age two and father died at nine. Tolstoy …show more content…

He was admired by some, most were high social class people that had the same values as Ivan did. Ivan believed that everything must be perfect. He just had to marry the most beautiful women that he was not even in love with. When he got out of law school at thirteen years old. He believed that marriage was the answer to high social life. Ivan is a character that never shows his personal side, much like Tolstoy. He buries himself in his work when things are tough at home. He believe in getting to the top before everyone else. He is willing to up and move when things do not go his way. Ivan throughout the story becomes ill and not good at accepting it. He becomes ill after hitting his side on the latter when doing remodeling to the house. He begins to experience different taste in his mouth. He starts to have unbearable pain. He begins to start frights with his wife Praskovya and family. At this point family and friends do not believe his illness is that serious? Praskovya, "with characteristic exaggeration," says that Ivan has always had a dreadful temper. The doctors not being able to figure out what was going on was making everyone stressed out. Ivan was stressing the most. He did not understand what he had done wrong to deserve this unbearable

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