Death And The Afterlife Essay

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Death is an inevitable process that everyone will face one day or another. No two people’s view or ideas of what will happens once one dies are the same and not one person knows the correct answer. The answer isn’t given to us until the time of our own has become. Philosophers have come up with ideas on what happens in the afterlife. For some people these ideas create a piece of mind, a sense of knowing that they know what will happen. For others the idea of death is still a mystery. There are many different views and beliefs about what happens to one once they pass. Upon, the research I found twelve views of human nature and each of them has views on death and what happens in the afterlife. Is this life all that there is or is there more after this life? There are two philosophers who’s views on death and the afterlife that give their opinion on what happens after we die. These include, religion based views and existential views on death. Respected philosophers who contributed to these ideas of the afterlife are Immanuel Kant and existential views by Jean Paul Sartre. There are many different religions, no one religion is the right religion, but is interesting how angry people get if your
His philosophical views stemmed from scientific and religious. He was born at Koignsberg, Prussia in 1724. He was brought up within the Pietist religion. This is a vigorous and strict religion that he worshiped his young life (Durant, 1926 p.261). Like many philosophers he was a professor, and writer other areas that he worked in were, metaphysics, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics. One of his great contributor to the sciences was when he developed the nebular hypothesis (Stevenson, 2013 p.169). None of the less, he did die a lonely man who never wed. He contemplated it twice but it never happened. He did live to the ripe old age of

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