Death And Life After Death

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Life after death: a mystery to most, but unsolved to all. Scientists and ghost hunters dedicate years and years of their lives searching for proof of the dead still roaming earth. Some believe the presence of some dead linger, while others believe spirits haunt. What I believe to be true is the existence of ghosts and their link to their former life on earth; my belief can be confirmed by the abundance of video and picture proof, eye-witness accounts, cultures, and numerous belief systems. Oxford Dictionary defines ghosts as an apparition of a dead person that is believed to appear or become manifest to the living.
Stories of ghosts have been told since ancient times, which contain historical figures such as royalty, politicians, and writers. Because of these prehistoric tales, societies began to perform funeral sacraments in order to make certain that the deceased’s spirit would not return to haunt those that are alive. For example there was widespread belief in ghosts in ancient Egyptian culture. They believed that the soul and spirit continued existence even after death, with the ability to assist or harm the living, and had the possibility of a second death. Over a period of more than 2,500 years, Egyptian beliefs about the nature of the afterlife evolved constantly. Many of these beliefs were recorded in inscriptions, papyrus scrolls and tomb paintings. The Egyptian Book of the Dead compiles some of the beliefs from different periods of ancient Egyptian history. One of the most famous ghost stories ages back to old England in the 16th century, when sightings of the murdered Anne Boleyn was spotted in the tower in which she was murdered; Boleyn was executed in that tower after being accused of witchcraft, treason, adulte...

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...n this theory, Einstein implies that every joule of energy in the universe is endless and can neither be created nor destroyed. Since energy cannot be destroyed, the energy that comes from one’s dead body must transfer into another form of energy. With this, he implies this new form of energy to be that of a ghostly spirit.
Unless ghosts can someday be proven existent after the already thousands of years of rumored ghosts, the fall of ghost hunting could be in the near future, leaving paranormal activities as just myths and scary tales to tell around a campfire. Nonetheless, ghost hunters will still be present, devoting their life to discover life after death. I believe one day, science will have to accept the actuality of ghosts due to the abundance of evidence by pictures and videos, eye-witness accounts, and the on-going belief in ghosts since ancient history.

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