Dbq Fire

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It was a holocaust.the building was fireproof, but the workers weren't. No one was ready for the inferno, there was a lack of safety that put many lives in danger. A fire that no one was sure how it started went up in flames killing many lives. The building was not equipped with fire extinguishers causing the inferno to burn uncontrollably. There were many safety issues that not only caused the fire but killed many lives. It took workers longer than people expected to evacuate the building. People think a cigarette bud landed in a pile of cotton and went through the building landing on other piles. Soon, it went into the building and spread. Workers were jumping from the window and landing on concrete. Some were landing on the net and doing somersaults to the hard ground. The workers were on fire which caught the nets on fire and ripped. The ladder only reached to the 6th floor. Workers on the 9th floor went in the stairway to find it dark. They had to maneuver their way through the crowd. When they got to the door, they found it locked. Employees had locked the doors to prevent latecomers and keep out union organizers. Once the fire department put out the fire at exactly 5:15 pm, they had found 144 workers dead. …show more content…

One is not having any lights in the building stairway. That caused a pileup of people and stuck in the dark. The main one is not having any fire extinguishers in the building.if they had one in the room, the could have put out the fire before it spread killing many lives. The exit ladder was not strong enough to support the weight of the workers causing it to break. That left people standing on the 6th floor not knowing what to do. Some people jumped. The impact was still hard enough to kill them. The main problem was the standpipe. The standpipe had not been connected to the sprinklers which left the fire to continue

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