David Hume's Problem Of Uniformity Of Knowledge

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Scottish philosopher David Hume is amongst one of the most influential empirical philosophers to date for his work in epistemology, metaphysics, and philosophy of religion. As an Empiricist Hume claimed that the only way we can obtain knowledge is through our senses however he argues true knowledge is unattainable for all intent and purpose, due to the problem of induction.By briefly examining Hume 's problem of induction and it 's dependancy to of the so called principles of Uniformity of Nature we could come to a conclusion that Hume 's is correct. In this paper I would like to argue in accordance to Hume 's statement that we cannot have access to true knowledge. By reviewing the definitions of induction, deduction, and the principles of uniformity of nature and examining the possible problems they inflict on the idea of knowledge, we will come to agreement with Hume 's that the idea of knowledge does not simply exist.

“David Hume states that it is obvious that a man who is blind all his life can have no idea of colour, or a deaf person of sound” (quote). This is because they lack the sense of which the …show more content…

So if the premise are true and the conclusion ties to the logic of the premise then the conclusion is necessary true. An example of deductive reasoning is as follows; If all men are mortal and Joe is a man, then Joe must be a mortal. The premises in this example establish that Joe is mortal simply because he is classified as a man whose members are all considered mortals. Deductive reasoning is based on facts and logic and statements given to us. The difference between the two are that deduction is the use of logic and facts to determine the end where as induction uses examples and patterns to determine the conclusion. Hume believed that Deduction as well as induction were the only methods of obtaining knowledge however, according to his philosophy, there was a problem with these

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