Dante Alighieri and his Divine Comedy

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Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) was an Italian poet in the Middle Ages. The Divine Comedy, of which Inferno is a part, is considered the greatest literary work in the Italian language and a masterpiece. Inferno is the story of Dante the pilgrim’s journey from the dark wood of error through Hell, led by Virgil. This is Dante the pilgrims opportunity to recognize his sins; he is given the opportunity to see how the error of his ways will be punished if he does not change. In Dante’s Hell, the punishment of the sin is reflected by the nature of the sin. There are many overall themes to this work, but three specific themes are represented in the “Up on your feet passage”; letting your drive change your life, carpe diem, and pushing through all obstacles in your way.
The first reference to the overall theme in the “Up on your feet” passage is to the overall theme to push through. When Dante is getting overwhelmed, Virgil tells him, “‘Up on your feet! This is no time to tire!’ my master cried. ‘The man who lies asleep will never waken fame, and his desire…” (Lines 46-48) Through this, Virgil i...

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