Dance En Pointe Research Paper

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It's every young dancer’s dream to someday go up en pointe and become a beautiful ballerina who will dance with Joffrey Ballet, American Ballet Theatre,or the Royal Ballet. Dance teachers are faced with many responsibilities throughout their careers one of the most difficult is making the decision of when and if to put a dancer en pointe, if a dance teacher is not careful when making this decision the results could be dangerous to their student. There are many factors that a dance teacher has to take into consideration when making this decision. Not every dancer will go en pointe because some just are not strong enough, they have the wrong feet, or they are not technically advanced enough to go en pointe. Allowing a dancer who is not ready to go en pointe can lead to several complications. …show more content…

A dancer must treat their feet like gold or their career will not last very long. Dancing on demi pointe or in ballet slippers increases the forces placed on the foot by four times body weight, dancing en pointe increases these forces by twelve times body weight. Due to these forces and many other factors ballerinas can experience foot and ankle injuries. There is so many injuries that could come along with pointe shoes. Dancers can suffer from ankle sprains, stress fractures, hallux valgus, flexor hallucis longus tendonitis, and …show more content…

The type of foot a dancer has can affect her ability to execute movements en pointe correctly and safely. The ideal foot type is the “peasant foot” which is when the first three toes are equal in length allowing weight to be evenly distributed. Not all dancers have this foot type however, and if put en pointe, it could cause more complications. When a dancer’s second toes are longer than the first it means that they have “Grecian” or “Morton’s” feet. These dancers are likely to have pain, more calusses than other dancers, and hallux rigidis. Dancers with “Egyptian” feet or tapering toe lengths often pronate (drop arches inward or sickle) which is a precursor for developing hallux valgus deformity. The type of arch a dancer has also affects the dancer's ability to go en pointe.The arch of the foot can be described in three ways, neutral, planus, or cavus. Cavus feet have high arches that look gorgeous en pointe but have poor shock absorption which could lead to

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