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1. As the epigraph announces and Hansberry's text itself affirms, "dreams" are a central focus of this play, as is the difficulty of "expressing" or making others "understand" one's dreams. How would you characterize the different dreams represented by the various members of the Younger family, especially Lena and Big Walter, Walter, Ruth, and Beneatha? What, for example, do Lena's remarks about how she and her husband "was going to set away, little by little," "buy a place out in Morgan Park," and create a garden suggest about the nature of the dreams she and her husband shared? What does the exchange between Lena and her son about money being "life" and Walter's references to "gambling" suggest about the differences between her dream and her son's? What do Beneatha's remarks about her brother, particularly in the final scene, and her interactions with George Murchison and Joseph Asagai suggest about her dreams and the way they differ from Walter's? How might you account for the differences among the characters' dreams? (559) When talking about dreams the Younger family seems to have a lot, but doesn’t any normal family. Most married couple just starting out like Lena and Big Walter wants the dream life which is why most every couple says they’re going to set some money back and hopefully buy their own home and piece of land. They want to own the home and land to start a fresh life for them and their children and grandchildren and to prove they are old enough to become parents and live independently. Lena wanted to plant a garden maybe to have fresh veggies for her to prepare for her family and to show off her gardening skill by having beautiful flowers. Ruth is like Lena because she wants the house and land and better life for h... ... middle of paper ... ...Walter the fourth, then Travis the sixth, George the seventh, and Asagia the eight, then Beneatha the ninth, then Ruth for the tenth and Walter the eleventh and for the final line I would have Travis speak it loud and clear with emphases. I would have the actors say the epigraph at the being of the drama and have the curtains closed and have each actor come out in the spot light center stage and ask there question like this because I would be matching their attitude with how I feel each line is trying to ask the question about a dream. I am separating the first line by only have Miss. Lena read it only because she is the one who answers the question best in the end of the drama because she never let her dream get the best of her. She set her mind on accomplishing her and Walters dream long ago and she would be damn if anything was going to stop it for coming true.

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