Cyberpaperch Case Study

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Outside Employment (Moonlighting) and Activities Employees may not hold outside jobs or be involved in outside business, educational, community, political, and charitable activities that may impact CyberTech’s business interests, consume company resources or create conflicts of interest, or affect employee’s performance. An employee’s position at CyberTech is considered to be of primary importance over any outside employment. Furthermore, employees are expected to devote their full attention and energy to CyberTech while on the job. CyberTech HR’s approval should be sought if any doubt exists regarding the appropriateness of an employee’s involvement in outside activities. 4.6 Performance Reviews Reviews provide an opportunity …show more content…

A resignation is defined as a termination of employment at the will of the employee. All employees are requested to provide a minimum of two weeks advance notice of their intention to leave the company (more if specified in any engagement performance agreement). Paid time off may generally not be included in the notice period. In certain circumstances, employees who fail to give proper notice may be ineligible for re-employment. They may also be liable for damages as stated in their employment agreements.

CyberTech reserves the right to accept the resignation date as offered or may, depending on the situation, end the relationship immediately. Resignations later withdrawn will be considered on a case-by-case basis by management.

Offenses Warranting Immediate Termination There are a number of types of employee misconduct or malfeasance, which may result in an employee’s immediate termination. Examples of such misconduct include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Absence without notification for one or more consecutive days. 2. Suspected theft, fraud or embezzlement. 3. Physical assault or threatening physical assault on employees or others on CyberTech’s property 4. Fighting on CyberTech’s

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