The Pros And Cons Of Cyber Terrorism

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The term “cyber terrorism” refers to the use of the Internet as a medium in which an attack can be launched such as hacking into electrical grids, security systems, and vital information networks. Over the past four decades, cyber terrorists have been using the Internet as an advanced communication tool in which to quickly spread and organize their members and resources. For instance, by using the instantaneous spread of information provided by the Internet, several terrorist’s groups have been able to quickly share information, coordinate attacks, spread propaganda, raise funds, and find new recruits for their cause. Instantaneous and unpredictable, the technological advantages these terrorists have obtained from using the Internet includes …show more content…

Through the practice of using encryption tools and inventive methods, terrorists have made the Internet a resourceful and secure means of communication. For instance, terrorists are able to generate hidden messages and saved email drafts, which can be used to send private information across the world, in a matter of seconds. Another advantage of the Internet (used by cyber terrorists) is the ability to operate remotely and anonymously (from a secured location) until they have committed an act of terror. At the same time, cyber terrorism is often cheaper and less dangerous than physical acts of terrorism because it does not require funding for weapons, ammunition, or multiple members to achieve its …show more content…

Founded by the Monterey Group (Terrorism Committee for the U.S. Legislature), the United States adopted a three-level categorization for cyber-terror including simple-unstructured, advanced-structures, and complex-coordinated (Findlay, 2014). At the first level of cyber-terror is a simple unstructured attack. Under this category, a simple-unstructured attack involves very diminutive target analysis, command and control, or learning skills. This type of attack is normally planned within a matter of months and targets a general organization. Next is the level of an advanced-structured attack, which requires a straightforward target analysis, command and control, learning skills, and a high amount of planning in order to cause extensive damage. For example, in 2007, there was a three-week period of cyber-attacks on Estonia (located in Northern Europe), which targeted the country’s government, financial, and security divisions. Due to the extensive planning of this sophisticated attack, Estonia’s government was thrown into chaos and was unable to operate at full capacity. Finally, at the last level of cyber terrorism is the complex-coordinated attack (Extremely rare). At the highest level of terror, these attacks require substantial time, specialized skills, resources, and a highly capable target analysis. One of these substantially rare attacks

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