Customer Satisfaction : An Essential Element For Any Business

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Topic: Customer Satisfaction
Customers are an essential element for any business. Customers generate revenue streams that maintain the operations of a business; they’re also a form of marketing as they share their experience, both good and bad, with others. In addition, customers provide metrics for businesses to improve their processes. Because customer satisfaction measures how services and products provided by businesses meet, exceed, or fall short of customer’s expectations, it is vital for companies to understand the elements of customer satisfaction and how they can impact the bottom line.

Identifying how customer needs are being met and how satisfaction is being measured is vital. Customer satisfaction is crucial because it can provide a business with key insights and areas of improvement that it would otherwise miss. When measuring customer satisfaction it is important to think about the needs and wants of the customer so that you utilize the appropriate feedback tool.

Presently, TiER1 does not have a formalized system for maintaining customer feedback. They have a simple survey in place, but the survey is not provided to all of their customers. In fact, TiER1 is not even communicating the results with any of their customers.

Recommendations: In order to improve the feedback process within TiER1, we would recommend they implement a tool for feedback that caters to their customer’s needs. In fact, this would be a good place for an initial Kaizen. In addition, we would also recommend TiER1 develop a system for handling the incoming feedback and institute follow-up procedures to ensure superior customer satisfaction. TiER1 can measure their customer satisfaction with the use of one of the following feedback tools:


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...ndianapolis work on projects through Cincinnati and the reverse is true as well”. We are not recommending a process change in staffing what we are suggesting is that TiER1 work on shared programs in Marketing, Promotion, Sales, and Community Engagement between the locations. For example, TiER1 has a Community outreach in Cincinnati every year called the Scurry. It is for Learning Programs for inner city kids in partnership with the Cincinnati Bengals. They have raised over 500,000 over the last six years. A recommendation is to have the other offices participate or even better build a shared community outreach between the cities. A key elelment we strongly recommend is to have all the locations participate in the knowledge management effort (Lessons Learned) across TiER1. In fact, it would be a good idea to have this lead outside the headquarters of Cincinnati.

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