Cultural and Economic Globalization

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The important texts in every different time period arose from different composer’s ways of thinking and pose a lasting significance on society. These themes arise uniquely in an array of texts including Shamus Heaney’s poems Digging, Punishment and Funeral Rites , Sofia Coppola’s film Lost in translation, Eat Pray love written by Elizabeth Gilbert and in the 2011 Television series Off The Map directed by Jenna Bans. The values explored in these texts are fundamentally linked to the religious, philosophical, scientific and cultural paradigms of the twenty and twenty first century , are a reflection of society and literature in that time period. These texts have formed new ideologies and different ways of thinking in society and have detailed the relationships interlinking the local and the global as having vast significance on the relationships to the life of the community and individuals. The development of a global culture has blurred traditional concepts and boundaries of time and space. Choice and circumstance have created a range of individual and community responses to this changing reality: some have embraced or warily accepted it, while others have challenged or retreated from it. As time progress authors are forming new perspectives and reflecting these changed ideas into their texts posing permanent importance on society.

Cultural globalisation is the rapid traversing of thoughts, perspectives and ideals across national borders. This sharing of ideas leads to an interconnectedness and interaction between diverse cultures and ways of thinking. Sofia Coppola’s Lost in Translation explores the effects of the cultural globalisation process upon the individual. Coppola explores cultural dislocation and disillusionment in...

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...e traditional and troubles funerals and uses that as a social comment on the useless death and the catholic jargon of the funerals serves to remind Catholics of their belief in natural law. Heanyey also uses the comparison in punishment of the past moral beliefs in the 1st cuneure and the same issues that Ireland is fancing with troubles and the punishment of the women who had a relationship with the british soidlier. Heaney blurs centuries together as he applies himself into the situation of the little adultress which he then uses to meld the two situations together sliding into the 21st century confluct. In funeral rites Heaney uses the symbolism of the procession which serves to connect past and present subtly. Heaney also makes the comment that if people took notice of the past future problems could be minimised he uses the example of Gunnar to prove his point.

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