Cultural Influences In Counseling Multicultural Clients

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Counselors today face the task of how to appropriately counsel multicultural clients. Being sensitive to cultural variables can be conceptualized as holding a cultural lens to human behavior and making allowances for the possibility of cultural influence. However, to avoid stereotyping, it is important that the clinician recognize the existence of within-group differences as well as the influence of the client’s own personal culture and values (Furman, Negi, Iwamoto, Shukraft, & Gragg, 2009). One’s background is not always black or white and a counselor needs to be able to discern and adjust one’s treatment plan according to their client. One of the fastest growing populations in America is the Hispanic or Latino population. Latinos’
The Latino culture is a collectivistic culture that puts group interests over individual interests. When counseling Latinos, one needs to keep in mind the importance of family in their culture. Family members need to be a part of the counseling process. At times, group counseling with the whole family could help, along with involving family in the treatment process. With the potential language barrier a counselor could also ask an interpreter to mediate with the client during sessions to make sure there is an understanding between the client and the
Multicultural knowledge includes counselors’ understanding of their own worldview, knowledge of cultural groups with whom the counselor works, and recognition of sociopolitical factors that impact diverse clients’ lives. Beliefs and attitudes encompass counselors’ values associated with different cultural groups, their ability to recognize and hold in check stereotypes of different culture groups, a celebration of diversity, and an awareness of how their biases and negative attitudes can adversely influence counseling relationships (Ivers, 2012). One of the hardest parts about being a counselor is admitting your own biases and stereotyping before counseling others of different cultural ethnicities. Once a counselor understands their own bias and stereotyping towards others, they are better able to catch themselves from letting their biases affect their counseling. As for working with the Latino cultural group, the counselor needs to familiarize themselves with the customs and cultural norms of the group. Book knowledge is a great place to start, but to really get a better picture of understanding another culture, one should immerse themselves in their community. A major issue that counselors encounter is their lack of cultural knowledge outside of their own

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