Cultural Blindness In The Police Essay

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Brenda L. Vogel (2011) found that younger, economically disadvantaged, males, African Americans, and Hispanic people held a more negative view of the police. As we see it is not only race that influences the perceptions of the police. The results of Vogel’s study found that “34.6% of African Americans, 27.5% of Hispanics, and 32.9% of Asian agreed or strongly agreed that officers were too tough on people. Vogel “provided the bivariate analyses of each independent variable with dependent variable, perceptions index: the results indicate that older, a higher income, a perceived less neighborhood disorder, lower levels of fear, home ownership, those that felt safe during the day and at night, had not been victimized, and had not had police-initiated …show more content…

“Cultural incapacity is the concept that an organization does not intend to be culturally destructive, but may lack the capacity to help minority clients or communities because the system remains extremely biased towards racial/cultural superiority for the dominate group (Sue, 2006, p. 239).” “Other aspect of such an agency are hiring practices, using whites as models, subtle messages that people of color are not welcome, and lower expectations of minority clients in this case the general public, with a focus on African Americans, based on unchallenged stereotypical beliefs (Sue, 2006, p. …show more content…

On a macro level showing positive images of police officers that are not white males in movies and the news could decrease internal racial bias within the department, but there is a potential to decreases tension in the general public. The Bureau of Justice Statistics (2015) reported that 27% of police officers were minorities, 12% were black, 12% were Hispanic, and Asian, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islanders, American Indian or Alaska Natives accounted for 3% of the officers. This information was not expected to be found, but it is interrupted to further support the need for proper representation when it comes to minority police officers in the media. Painting the picture that police officers are only white males will impact the general public and this can negatively impact a white police officer’s view of minority police officers, as well as the general public views of the police. No studies can be found regarding the impact on such, I am simply using logic, reasoning, and questioning the

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