Ctailer Perception And Observation For Customer Service In Retail

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Customer Service in retail store
TOPIC –1 CUSTOMER EXPECTATION AND PERCEPTION IN ORGANISED RETAIL SECTOR.Name of the author – Dharmesh Motwani.Year - 2012 – 13, Volume – 2.ISSN 2277-1166.Page – 145.

Observation – In this competitive world, retailers needs to ensure that quality services are delivered to retain the customers and improve the services as per the customer convenience, accordingly strategy must be developed. To attract more customer retail sector must be well organized as there is personal interaction and physical aspects involved that affects customer perception and if customer are happy they are satisfied with services. To sustain in this global economy, retailers have to develop new strategies. Retailers must know to persuade …show more content…

Customer often focus on quality of the product but now customer expectations are raised because of the competition in this retail industry where retailer focus on offering premium services by personally attending the customers. If the customer is satisfied by the services and product as well, gradually profit would be increased. As the customer is more satisfied, he may make a repurchase decision or through a word of mouth of satisfied customer, new customer are generated by their recommendations. Area- wise retail can also affect customer to repurchase the product as the retailer who satisfies the need of the customer is preferred more by the customer. Easiness to find the product, visibility, appearance also leads to customer loyalty and store loyalty. After the research it was found that consumers are more satisfied with the organized retail store than the unorganized sector because of various dimensions such as atmosphere, ambience, staff personnel, place, …show more content…

Organized retail is expected to be a opportunity for local, global, and nation player in India. Customer relationship management is regarded very much vital as if it works effectively which allows a retailer to gather customer data swiftly, identify the most valuable customers overtime and increase customer loyalty by providing customized products and services. Retailer now have to come up with strategies so as to capture the market in this competitive environment. To add value to services, they have to be innovative in their approach. The unorganized retail sector basically includes the local provision store, hand-made cart etc. This sector constitutes about 98% of the total retail exchange.FDI in the retail sector is expected to shrink the employment in the unorganized sector and expand that in the organized one. Retailers must showcase the value they are offering. Firms will need to proactively review and the sales composition, branding, logistics system and price structure to cope with pressures from powerful retailers. Retailers are not only concentrating in adding value but for the future growth as well. Beside this, customer are more satisfied with the personalized shopping event which requires a detailed study of individual consumer behavior. The retailers should continue to benefit from the cost advantage and the variety

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