Cross Cultural Mission Essay

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Missions In Cross-Cultural Context

Christian faith has the ability to expand across cultural frontiers in a serial manner the statement simply means there is no fixed centre for faith. The above assertion authenticates the significant role of migration in the shaping of world Christianity as each new point in the Christian circumference means a new potential Christian centre. According to Hanciles he says, “Christianity is a migratory religion”

This is talking about the exodus of the people, through any means i.e. economics migration, political migration, educational migration or social migration, people relocates to a new country and bring their faith with them and looking for avenue to practice their faith in wherever they settle and …show more content…

For the purpose of this reflection I will examine Schmidlin definitions on mission, he defines mission in two ways (a) In a narrow sense “that ecclesiastical (Clerical) activity whose aim is to plant and spread the Christian religion and church and then to preserve it”. (b) In a wider sense as the totality of all ecclesiastical organization which the spread of the faith.

The above two definitions by Schmidlin in totality is relevant in the 21st Century system of doing mission or missionary work. Although most scholars and Bible experts are of the opinion that the Gospel of John is especially suitable as a modern missionary manual as it was aimed at the Gentiles. In the Gospel of John, Jesus says that He had come to “finish the work” the father has sent him to do. Jesus linked his mission to what we might call “the mission of the Trinity,” or the mission of God (missio Dei). In Jesus’ mind and action, the trinity, his own mission, and the mission of the disciples …show more content…

Schuurman quoting Barth challenges the way the church does mission if it wants to be relevant, he states, “A Christian is a thinking person who holds the Bible in one hand and newspaper on the other” Dr Williams in support of this statement said "You have to be cross-referencing all the time and saying, 'How does the vision of humanity and community in the Bible map onto these issues of poverty, privation, violence and conflict? ' And you have to use what you read in the newspaper to prompt and direct the questions that you put to the Bible: 'Where is this going to help me?

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