Critical Review of the Poster "Are We Boiling the Earth?"

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Humans are nature. This is undeniably true since humans revolutionised from the nature itself. However, the issues pertaining on nature are always taken for granted. Humans perceive nature as a property and treat it the same way they treat the other properties, perpetually, they are disconnected from the nature. In order to regain the awareness about issues pertaining on nature, numerous numbers of campaigns have been launched. The use of poster will be one of the most practical ways to pervade the issues emphasised in a campaign. This review aims on the four paramount aspects that are present in the poster entitled “are we boiling the earth?” namely the precious experience, the interpretation of the poster, the issue pertaining on global warming and the significance of issues raised. First and foremost, the experience of working in a group really comes to surface in order to craft a fine artwork. One of the most forefront element in working as a team is the collegiality. In order to gain a significant impact of a team work, ones need to instill empathy and tolerance in themselves. Working as a team requires a strong correlation between the members and thus, the capability of an intuitive to lead the team always becomes handy. The leader functions as an interactive medium for ideas’ exchange and offers solution for any contradicting idea but not dominating the entire group. Ralph Nadev argues that “the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not followers”. Other than the collegiality, members of a team also receive the golden opportunity to treasure further deep into themselves by reinforcing their interpersonal communication skills. The process of articulation of ideas can rather create a conflicting, unpleasant si... ... middle of paper ... if cooperation is present attracts most Malaysian to show their concern. As a result, Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) recorded 550 MW drop in electrical consumption on the past 28 March which is equivalent to about 14 million fluorescent bulbs (40 watt each). This has proven the slogan “Malaysia Boleh!” It is true that Malaysian can do it. Briefly, the issues connected to global warming really need a strong emphasis from the society. The issues regarding on nature cannot be left alone to be shouldered by the environmentalists, climatologists and scientists despite, the responsibility of taking care the environment is allegedly a global concern by each living creature on the biosphere specifically, humans. Humans should learn to lead a harmonious life with nature and avoid any conflicting situation that will definitely create deleterious impacts on human kind.

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