Critical Approach on Organization

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According to A.J. Mills, T. Simmons and J.H. Mills a critical approach is defined as “one that takes as its starting point a concern to address those aspects of organizations arrangements that have a negative impact on people” (2005, p.13). The purpose of the approach is to critically analyze organizations and bureaucracies as this not only allows for a better understanding of social issues but also aims towards the promotion of social justice and equality. The critique ultimately delves the harmful effects organization and bureaucracies can have on people (Mills et al., 2005). Thus, the critical approach will be used to guide me through my analysis of the issue that I experienced at my agency, as it not only negatively impacted the patient but me as a social worker as well. Analyzing through a critical lens allows for a better understanding of the organizational and structural conditions that ultimately shaped my decision and forced me to face an ethical dilemma resulting of the issue at hand. As previously mentioned in my observation notes, my placement takes place at Humber River Hospital’s, Women’s and Children’s Health Program (WCHP). The issue I was faced with was my inability to provide a teen mother with bus tokens and thus she was unable to frequently visit her baby who was in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). This became more than just an issue, as I was faced with an ethical dilemma that not only impacted me but the patient as well. This dilemma was whether or not to call Children’s Aid Society (CAS) as a result of the patient’s past history with them and her financial instability. I knew that CAS could be involved in a supportive way but I did not want this young mother to be controlled by the child welfare sy... ... middle of paper ... ...f the patient and fails to provide funding for other services that patients may require. This includes social workers. Social workers do not receive any funding which ultimately impacts them negatively as they are limited in services they are able to provide. Furthermore, managerialism also impacted my inability to provide services to this young mother as the final decision was placed in the manager’s hands as opposed to the social worker. These roadblocks created by a neo-liberal state ultimately created an ethical dilemma for me, which consequently impacted my patient negatively as well. In order to bring upon change, a form of resistance is required. Unfortunately, this may not achieve social justice, but it will achieve transformative change in practice. In order for social justice to be reached, organizations need to move away from neo-liberal ideologies.

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