Critical Analysis Of The Article: Why Do Americans Stink At Math

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In many ways, the article, Why Do Americans Stink at Math, shows the inconsistencies of the American educational system, and in particular, its weakness in preparation of students in the area of mathematics. Americas approach to teaching mathematics has been of considerable controversy over the past few decades as it has faced considerable decline in world ranking on producing top scores on average on achievement test globally. This has forced educators here in America to review their standards and analyze the teaching methods used today versus what’s been applied around the world with top score producing countries. What Elizabeth Green has found in this article is that the adopted techniques of top producing countries, like Japan, mirrors that the American education system but that, the way in which American teachers have come to apply these new techniques over past decades, has failed due to a few key inconsistencies in regards to communication and understanding among all educators nationally. I will share these issues that this article brings to light. The author immediately employs new learning tactics on the reader to gain maximum comprehension by associating the life experiences and knowledge in teaching of Mr. …show more content…

Magdalene Lampert and her experiences in finding new ways of teaching mathematics as a “sense making”. For Lampert, the standard ,I (student works on the problem), We(teacher /students), You(student works out the answer), was replace with her method of “You, Ya’ll, We”. This method encouraged students to identify the problem and share ideas together to test their understanding of the problem. The students could work out their wrong assumptions or formulations together and gain understanding as a group. In this scenario, the teacher is interjecting ideas as variables to guide the students to the “sense making” answer. This is exactly what Mr. Takahashi also was trying to share and implement as a

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