Critical Analysis Of Bulimia Nervosa

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The disorder I chose to do my paper on is bulimia nervosa. In the textbook, it describes bulimia nervosa as an invisible eating disorder because patients are either normal weight or overweight. It is explained as recurrent episodes of binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behavior. Binge eating is when a person over eats in a shorter period of time than most people would. Binge eating is the lack of control over eating. There are two types of binge eating one is subjective binge eating is when eating a typical or even a small amount of food. Then there is objective binge eating, which is described as eating comparatively large amount of food that’s out of control. The pattern of binge eating various it can range from occasionally to a …show more content…

As I stated above that bulimia nervosa was about being compulsive. Throughout the movie Beth constantly binge eats and purges when she was angry or upset to not deal with her emotions. She does it for a high to make her feel better. But when Beth tried to stop on her own she couldn’t and the thoughts of binging and purging took over. Also as I stated before that bulimia nervosa can have other psychiatric disorders, I believed that Beth was depressed. I felt that Beth was depressed because of her parent who got a divorce and her father starting a new family and that her mother constantly work all the time. So she didn’t get a chance to grieve or feel upset so that her parents could think she was happy so they can be happy. I feel that Beth would hide her emotions and how she feels and instead of talking about it, she would eat a lot of food and would throw it back up to make her feel better about herself. In the book it mentions if a person binge eats for more than 3 months they are at the threshold for being diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. Beth has been binge eating and purging for three years, which makes her fit the criteria of bulimia

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