Criminal Recidivism: The Rehabilitation Of A Prison?

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For much of society prison is viewed as a facility that segregates and imprisons individuals who commit acts of crimes considered deviant from accepted social behaviors, to ensure the safety and security of the overall community. These individuals are thus handed down a mandated sentence, stripped of their individual freedoms, and are told to reflect on their actions as a means of punishment. However, this method fails to recognize the notion that a majority of these people will one day be allowed back into society, and as a result those who are released tend to fall back into old habits contributing to the rising recidivism rate that currently plagues our prisons. In recent years there has been a gradual push for the implementation of rehabilitation …show more content…

The purpose behind the original construction of prisons and jails were to segregate offenders from the rest of society, thus rehabilitating them through means of punishment. However, the strict “tough on crime” punishment mentality that resulted from the “War on Drugs” movement in the 1980’s, is believed to be one of the largest contributors to rising mass incarceration and recidivism rates exhausting government funds and taxpayer money. The National Institute of Justice reports that “over 75% of released inmates are re-incarcerated within five years of being discharged”, and assert that “the high re-offending rate is due to many U.S. prisons focusing on punishment, rather than on rehabilitation” …show more content…

It is in these communities that the drugs, violence, and values that constitute everyday life in prison are eliminated, and elements of prison that generally ‘rebuke rehabilitation” (Inciardi, Martin, Surratt) disappear. They supply treatment, as well as aftercare, and reentry services to provide continuous support for inmates once they are released in hopes of diminishing situations of relapse. Similar to therapeutic communities in the general public, the primary staff that facilitates these programs are “recovering addicts” that participated and were rehabilitated by the therapeutic communities themselves. This allows for inmates to not only feel equal amongst one another, but enables them to form bonds and develop a trust towards others; which has shown to assist in the inmate's desire to not continue their old behaviors. Therapeutic communities perceive drug abuse in individuals as a “symptom” of a larger issue. Opposed to the mentality that depicts drug usage as being the primary reason for why ‘they did what they did’, as current prison programs have maintained. The overall goal of prison based therapeutic communities is to identify negative patterns of “behavior, thinking, and feeling” in inmates that predispose drug abuse, and provide methods to

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