Casey Anthony Court System

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Ever since the start of using courts, the main goal of it was to deliver a fair environment where the accused could defend themselves and show the jurors that he/ she did not commit the crime that they were accused of. Sometimes this system fails us and they sentence an innocent man to jail for something they didn’t commit. The activity that I observed in the field of criminal justice was I went to the boulder court house and watched one of the cases that’s was happening that day. As I sat there watching I saw the defendant’s lawyer trying to convince the jurors that his client was innocent, I thought to myself: how can we improve the court room. Sometimes we see some cases where the criminal can be let go because of not a lot of evidence like Casey Anthony. We also might see that the case might be unfair to person being convicted of a crime that they didn’t do. An example of this is the jurors have some past experience with a person of that race and they don’t like them or they already come with a decision before they even hear the evidence found. We might also see a case where the jurors decide that the accuser is innocent even though there’s evidence that proves otherwise. The main point is how we can make …show more content…

Some of them are fairer than others, in Australia they are trying to use technology for the better, in England it’s not as fair as here. ‘The court has the inherent authority to set aside an indictment which, under the circumstances of the case, constitutes 'abuse ' of the defendant.’ (Zamari, p.511) With that they can make sure that the defendant loses or he wins even though he shouldn’t. This also means that people of higher power (celebrities, people who have a lot of money, or people who know people that have a lot of power) can get them out of facing justice. In China we tend to see more corruption in the judicial branch. ‘Insufficient funding in Chinese local courts

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