Criminal Justice And Christian Theology Reflection Paper

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Criminal Justice and the Christian is a course that covers topics that pertain to both the fields of Criminal Justice and Christian Theology. It helps us as students to examine crime that we see in our world on as daily basis as well as the punishment that comes afterwards through the eyes of Jesus Christ. There were seven different subjects that were discussed in this course that in many ways were interrelated with not only the career of Criminal Justice but as well as the Christian perspective. The themes are Christian ethics and morals, sources of moral guidance, Justice of God in Jesus and Paul, ethics of punishment, theories of criminal punishment, Justice that kills and lastly forgiveness. In achieving knowledge in these different themes
After having class deliberations and doing a complete assignment of an experience of death row it definitely strengthen my views on how I view the death penalty. Unlike other punishments that exist in the criminal justice system the death penalty is one that was most talked about and debated. With having the views of the general population were proponents of the death penalty say it is an important tool for preserving law and order, deters crime, and costs less than life imprisonment. They argue that retribution or "an eye for an eye" honors the victim, helps console grieving families, and ensures that the perpetrators of heinous crimes never have an opportunity to cause future tragedy. From listening to different opinions I was able to see another side which is more of the Christian aspect. With continuous research I was able to see people who committed horrifying crime be changed completely. For instance, the Karla Faye story a woman who was involved in heavy drugs and was described as a wild child who killed a man in the most disturbing fashion was assigned to a death penalty sentence however, became a changed women through her time of incarceration. Through videos you could see her character was not the same as when she began. Through this story I learned that even through hard circumstances a person can be changed. Also, that God is present even in prison and sometimes that is where some
If I took anything from this course I know that we are called to be like Jesus in everything that we do. We are called to be example of what Christ has done for us which is to show his love, compassion as well as forgiveness and not compromise to the society we live. Although we continue to live and follow laws of this country that we be

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