Creativity Case Study

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In all societies and countries the concept of “creativity” is present. It is an inner characteristic of individuals to be imaginative and express ideas; associated with knowledge, these idea are the essence of intellectual capital. We hear of creative people, admire creative objects of art or read creative books. Yet despite our almost innate understanding of what it means to be creative there is much confusion about the nature of creativity. What does it really mean? Can it be taught or learned? What are planning schools and employers doing to encourage it?


There are so many definitions present for creativity. Different people think creatively to arrive at the …show more content…

The heroic model highlights the transforming impact of a dynamic, visionary creative individual on the firm. This model of creativity in business is associated with ‘transformational’ leadership and with an individualistic, trait-based theory of creativity. In the management literature, the new emphasis on collective systems and processes translates into an interest in teams, networks and organisational environments as sources of innovation. This ‘structural’ model of creativity fits more comfortably with traditional management models and …show more content…

The creative process which is used to approach problems has to be restructured and redeveloped in order to produce new ideas and perspectives. Frequently, conventional fashion of solving a problem is not possible. Logical thinking takes our existing knowledge to produce new knowledge and that is however merely an extension of what we know already, rather than being truly new. So logical thinking has only a limited role to play in helping managers to solve the problem in a creative way. This inadequacies of logical thinking has given birth to creativity. Creativity is a method of using imagination along with techniques which use analogies, associations and other mechanisms to help produce insights into problems. In order to find satisfactory solutions to management problems, creative insights are required. Nowadays, the majority of organisations are aware of how vital creativity is to their

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