Creative accounting

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Creative accounting is a growing issue of concern in the UK, threatening the credibility of both accounting and auditing auctions. The truth and fair view principal, which suggest that enterprises should give a truth and fair image of their operations, is now tolerated in favor of unethical practices. While a variety of definitions of the term creating accounting have been suggested, in this essay of mine I will use the definition suggested by Jones saying that creative accounting arises from the flexibility in accounting within the regulatory framework to manage the measurement and presentation of the accounts so that they give primacy to the interests of the preparers not the users (Jones, 2011, p.5). The aim of this essay is to discuss which factor influences creative accounting and which ones constrain it. Last and most important, which factors can help to constrain it regulate it, in order to prevent such actions. There are several reasons behind creating accounting that motivate managers to proceed in manipulation of figures, the two most important are related with stakeholders contracts and performance indicators. Most often managers pursue financial engineering by manipulating specific ratios such us EPS and gearing ratio. Regularly those ratios are linked with debt covenants and remuneration schemes, which have direct influence to manager’s behavior because their personal interests are conflicted. Bonuses depend by whether budgets and profit provisions are met, so managers manipulate financial outcomes to get the desired outcome they need to get their bonuses. Continuously, when debt covenants exist which are restrictions of borrowing may result in setting specific criteria such the level of sales or the level of prof... ... middle of paper ... A company itself it should pay attention in how a corporation is governed, shareholders must choose directors which are independent from the firm to overview the activities of the managers. Managers can be easily compromised when personal interests are inflicted. The most procuratorial way, an investor can examine a firms performance is by financial reporting, which should not give wrong information and misleading results to shareholders. It is important because this will determine whether the investor will go forward to this transaction. In that range, auditors and analysts are responsible to publish true and fair information of the financial position of the firm. Managements should develop an ethical philosophy in their companies showing which the piles of the company are, where it stands and which the future goals they have are.

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