Creative Writing: Uncle Tom's Cabin

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I tried to slow my heart rate. Time seemed to stop as a horrendous creak burst from the boards beneath me. I could no longer hear the men's chatter from inside the house. I know they're on to me, I surely thought. I heard footsteps inside the cabin coming toward the wall I was leaning against. I had no time to think. I jumped from the deck that had so brutally betrayed my location only seconds ago. I ran into the abyss of a forest that lay beyond the fence of the cabin. I dodged the trees and rocks that laced the ground in my attempt to scurry to the safety of the trees. They won't find me here, I told myself over and over again with only the slightest trace of confidence. I jumped behind a fallen log about one-hundred yards from the cabin. …show more content…

Something is going to happen, my thoughts echoed and jumbled through my mind. I got up to face the window that looked upon the neighbor's garden. He was a fine old man with a crinkled nose and a short merry stature. He was the kindest gentleman one would ever meet. But, as we all do, the old man had his differences. Beneath all the layers of wrinkles and large dark eyebrows, he had a glass eye. It had never bothered me to the least, but the old man's tenant has complained for hours on end about that glass eye. He always came up with the most eerie details about it. I for one though, have never seen the eye quite like the tenant does. He has always frightened me, that tenant. The old man has had many different tenants over the years, but none utterly like the latter. His name is Warren Clyde, a crude young man, only but twenty five of age, but his face hints toward a much older maturity. His eyes are black with the most delicate fog over them. He is lanky and slim, and his face forever solemn. I shall never understand the reason why such a kind old man could house a tenant as ghostly as Warren.
As I gazed out the window into the dark night, I could only observe what the moon favored to shed light upon, which just so happened to be the old man's cabin. The night was dreadfully warm for an October night and not a single noise could be heard over the howling winds and rain that dashed …show more content…

There was a flash of lightning and immediately after a bloodcurdling howl from the old man's cabin. I lunged back to my chair in front of the fire. The sound lingered in my ears for a unfavorable amount of time, and it echoed awfully in the warm night air. Although, a moment later, everything stopped. The night was again quiet and dark, except for the buzz of the rain. I immediately bustled toward my children's rooms, only to find them fast asleep. I consequently ran to my husband, who was lucky enough to have the same pleasure. I awoke him in a panic, but he told me I was dreaming and that I needed to go back to bed. Nevertheless, I raced out to the barn and galloped my horse toward town. It was a half an hour's ride during the ungodly course of the morning, but it was going to be worth every moment of it when I knew that my children would be safe from what or whoever caused such a commotion. I strode into the ghost-like town, only to find one storefront light up; the police station. The light flooded from the window into the street, and made the rain glisten. I tied my horse in front of the station, and cautiously walked up the creaking steps, which the fog hindered my view to some extent. I hurriedly opened the door, giving more and more light to the street as I rushed inside.
"Hello?" I managed to squeak out through a fear-clenched jaw. I looked around the cramped room, only a desk and two chairs could fit in the space. The walls were made up of wood panels, and there

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