Creative Writing: A Halloween Story

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The night before Halloween, started out swell, but as the day went on, it turned out to get much more exciting. Hallie was walking down the street and looking at all the decorations that were hung up throughout the neighborhood. Her favorite was the light blue wooden house that was nestled along the corner of Pine Avenue and Ivy Hollow. There were paper ghosts and gravestones set out all through the yard. The columns on the porch were covered with spider webs and bats hung from the ceiling. Hallie’s memory had just kicked in. She remembered her friend’s house had once had bats that looked just like the ones hanging from the porch that she stood in front of right now.

Hallie stated walking back home. She had seen enough decorations. It was time for her to finish the final decorations on her house. Once Hallie got home, her mom was outside putting up all of the lights. Hallie just made a couple of newspaper ghosts and hung them up in the tree outside of her window. It was getting dark, so Hallie’s mom said she would finish up and let Hallie get some rest.

Hallie slept very well that night. She had dreams about witches and pumpkins, but they were very nice.


Hallie woke up early the next morning because she wanted to have the best yard for Halloween. She didn’t have any more time for sleep! She ran down stairs and had breakfast. Her little sister, Ava had already woken up and she was drawing faces on all the pumpkins that hadn’t already been carved. Hallie’s pumpkin was in the shape of a black cat. She walked outside. Her yard was filled with spider webs of all colors, ghouls and goblins and she had her very own pumpkin patch. But, it still needed more. There were ghost lights and there were flashing on and off. They were very cool.

Hallie’s thoughts popped into her head, and she now knew what the yard was missing, a skeleton! Hallie’s dad had made one a few years back, and now it just sits in the garage.

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