Creative Darkness

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As I stood at the edge of the cliff, I looked down at the dark abyss. It seemed to go on forever with no end. I looked up and surrounding me was a group of waterfalls. The sound of all the waterfalls together made a loud roar as it headed for the black hole. There was no way out, the only way was to jump into the abyss and see where it leads me. Before I could make up my mind, it was too late.I had fallen into the black hole. It felt as if someone had pushed me into it, I looked up before I was swallowed by the abyss. "Jay,Jay wake up Blue Jay!" I woke up with my head on my desk, drool was coming out of my mouth.

I sat up and wiped the drool off my mouth. "What happened?" I said, as I looked at The Red Cardinal;my boss. "You fell asleep Blue Jay, stop goofing off. I know you are one of the elites here but that doesn't mean you can sleep on the job." I scratched my head, and stood up. I nodded my head at The Red Cardinal and looked out the giant look out window. Space seems to go on forever... "Blue Jay! are you even listening to me?!" I looked back at him and said, "Sorry, I wasn't listening, who's the next earthling I have to observe?" He sighed at me and took out the folder and gave it to me.

"Her name is Kairos Elysium, she was just born yesterday. She's the new dark elf of earth. You think you can handle that?" I gave him one of my faces that said of course I can I'm Blue Jay! I grabbed my sketch pad, and walked towards the exit of the Bird Watchers Headquarters. As soon as I exited the building, I jumped up into the weightless gravity we have here on The North Star. I made my way towards earth which was only 2.5 light years away. But to an observer like me, it's only about an hour away.

Ever since that day, I ...

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...Our atoms combined and we fell fast and hit the fiery pits of hell. My face was against the ground, so I stood up slowly. In the distance, a black hooded figure approached me. "An observer? How did you even get here?" The Grim Reaper looked closer at me and then said "Blue Jay?

Is that you? no... it can't be you." I walked out of the fire and laughed loudly. The color of my blue eyes and long blue hair started to fade into gray. I took the reaper's scythe from his hand and then sliced him into he was no more. I looked into the reflection of the scythe and my eyes had turned red and a small white flame appeared in my pupils. My hair had turned black and I cut away my long hair into a boyish look. An evil look appeared on my face and I said as I looked at the reflection in the scythe. "You're right Grim Reaper, I'm not Blue Jay. I am now The Black Raven. Mwhaha!"

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