Creating an Opening Sequence of a New Thriller

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Creating an Opening Sequence of a New Thriller

Thrillers, what is a thriller?

Essentially thrillers are films that primarily are focused on creating

tension. Thriller filmmakers create tension through the use of various

techniques and placing their characters in peculiar and precarious

situations. I.E. the protagonist is pursued by a serial killer, the

film will generally be an account of the events which led to the

villain becoming the villain, it then proceeds to the hero or heroine

discovering the killer and then concludes with the hero or heroine

attempting to escape from the villains clutches or trying to bring

them to justice.

One can argue that this is the definition of a thriller; I was able to

locate this information through the use of Internet search engines

such as, ‘Google’ or ‘Ask Jeeves’. They were the effective in

providing me with the relevant information thus enabling me to

contribute relevant and useful information towards this assignment.

Now I have established what a thriller is I will discuss what

audiences find so captivating about them. Perhaps the element of fear

and fantasy attracts the audience towards these films.

One of thrillers, which I have utilised in my research, which

possesses these elements, is Stanley Kubrick’s, “Clock work Orange”.

Kubrick was renowned for his production of shocking and innovative

thrillers prior to his demise. “Clockwork Orange” produced in 1971

explores the themes of violence extensively.

Set in a future Britain, decrepit and reactionary, it cuts close to

the bone when it comes to Englishness. Alex is the aesthetic hooligan,

a sci-fi Mod, a R...

... middle of paper ...

... on the victims face and then cuts to he same shot, it doesn’t make

sense and confuses the audience.

One of the positive comments, which can be drawn from the, “Silent

Knife’ production is the use of sound. The theme music utilised in our

production is effective in capturing the audience’s attention and also

in creating tension through the use of the ominous orchestral music.

One wonders after hearing that music what lurks beneath the

floorboards of in the closet. Also I must comment on the victims

acting, It enabled the audience to gain a degree of insight into how

she is feeling at the time, her cries add to the disturbing nature of

the film. In conclusion the groups finished product is not necessarily

bad however it had the potential to be great and was not due to the

immaturity and lack of focus within the group.

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