Classroom Management Plan

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Classroom Management Plan

Establishing a well-organized plan for classroom management, at the beginning of the year, is essential for a peaceful and calm classroom that is conducive to instruction and learning for students with a variety of academic, social, and behavior needs. Team Green created the classroom management plan that follows. The collaborative group agreed that the evaluation of the student and their behaviors are essential in promoting positive desired behaviors. Room arrangement, classroom rules, routine and transition, as well as positive reinforcement rewards/success of task should be evaluated and adapted to encourage positive behavior.

Collaborative Group Evaluation:

Team Green has determined that Johnny is a fifth grader that expresses his anger by throwing objects in the classroom, swearing, and becoming physically and verbally abusive, in the classroom. We felt it was imperative that the teacher collaborate with the Exceptional Student Services (ESS) team, including the social worker, to determine what is best for Johnny and to develop a classroom management plan for him.

Room Arrangement:

The arrangement of the room will encourage positive classroom behavior. Johnny’s desk will be in front of the teacher’s desk. To limit physical contact with other students, desk will be in a “U” formation that will assist the teacher in predicting and intercepting any disruptive behaviors from Johnny whenever possible. Observation indicates that Johnny does not hit female students; therefore, female students will be in surrounding seats.

Any items that are not in use will be put away to limit distractions and the amount of materials that may be thrown during tantrums. Each section of the classroom will be ...

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Teacher learning center. (n.d.). Retrieved May 28, 2011, from

University of Kansas (2005), Antecedent interventions, Special Connections, retrieved May 25, 2011 from cat=behavior§ion=main&subsection=pbsint/antecedent

University of Minnesota (2011), Positive reinforcement…a proactive intervention for the classroom, Center for Early Education and Development, retrieved May 25, 2011 from

Waxler, A. (2007). How to handle classroom management during transitions. Retrieved May 27, 2011, from

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