Courage in To Kill a Mockingbird

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True, unadulterated courage is a fickle thing. One can never know wether the intentions of the person who displays it are sincere and rightful, rather than based on prideful or egotistical reasons. In “To Kill a Mockingbird” Harper Lee illustrates a variety of different kinds of courage through many of her characters, using pride, morality, impulsiveness, and anger as the main reasons of its execution. Though every one of those character’s displays of courage were significant in their own way, three characters come to mind when the thought of courage and Lee’s ....masterpiece associate. These three people are none other than the three main characters in the novel; the Finches. Atticus Finch is manifested with courage of the highest quality; moral courage. This kind of courage is most admirable because of its unselfish righteous base and pure intention. Atticus displays such acts of courage throughout the novel while defending Tom Robinson inside and outside court. He stands up for what he believes in, supports truth and justice no matter what the potential outcome, and is not afraid to face compromising situations to prove it. He is strong, steadfast, and unwavering to others’ protests, threats, and ridicules...This is the true definition of real courage. When he takes Tom Robsin’s case, he knows full well he’s in for a bumpy ride and will most likely fail despite any of his most fervent efforts. Yet he refuses to be deterred or daunted, he is determined to do the right thing, something that can’t be said for the rest of the population of Maycomb. Even when he’s in the midst of a mob (of sorts), he sets his fears, doubts, and newspaper behind him to defend Tom Robinson. He knew that if he didn’t hand over Tom they’d resort to vi... ... middle of paper ... ... of the sity=uation would be crushing them, and it would be difficult to do the thing they know is right, thus displayin moral courage. Scout, however, didn’t know the enormity of the sity=uation so therfore could not claim credit for moral courage. Scout, it seems, has a very special type of courage. (impulsive courage where she gets herself into things before she realizesits over her head but refuses to back out) 1she sees her father is nervous, wants to help him out, 2jumps in courageously thinking to lighten the mod3realizes with some horror mingled with embarassment as the enormity of the situation sinks in and becomes slightly nervous, but soldiers on, determined.4sucsessfult obtained her goal (for her, moral courage is when you know your licked only when youe already in the middle of something but you continue anyway and see it through with determination)

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