Countries and their Level of Development: Least Economically Developed Countries

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Countries throughout the world differ in their level of development; they are classified within a range of the two extremes as either LEDC (Least Economically Developed Countries) or MEDC (More Economically Developed Countries). The Variety of economies, cultures and people make it impossible to use a single indicator of development. Geographers use diverse Development Indicators to compare regions against each other, such indicators include:

LEDCs exhibit the lowest socioeconomic indicators and meet the criteria of poverty, human resource weakness (nutrition, health, literacy and education) and economic vulnerability.
On the other hand, MEDCs, also known as Developed or Industrialized countries, have high economic levels and advanced technological infrastructure. MEDCs are usually advanced industrial countries where they but raw material from other LEDCs to produce high-tech products. Moreover, MEDCs general have good health care for their citizens.

The CIA fact book was referred to for obtaining general statistics describing two LEDCs (Togo and Madagascar) and two MEDCs (Canada and United States of America) in terms of Population growth, health and education.

A comparison was made between one MEDC (Canada) and one LEDC (Madagascar) to show the difference between the different indicators that are used to compare countries’ development, the comparison was made as a graphical representation.

From the above graphs it can be concluded that MEDCs have lower Birth rates; due to families tend to be smaller as individuals invest more in few children in order to give them a better chance in life and families in MEDCs have less time to spend on raising children because women also contribute in the societies’ work.
Moreover, Literacy...

... middle of paper ... the development gap between countries. Unfair trade between developed and undeveloped countries has decreased the undeveloped countries share in the world trade and has increased the effect of globalization on such countries. Other economic factors include over reliance on farming, Lack of technological resources and debts to other countries which will prevent any money that a country under debt makes to go towards developing the country as it will be used to pay back the debt.

In many countries the Socio-Economic factors have a greatly impeded development, this is when the country spend too much money on things that the society doesn’t really need.

Cultural factors also has an effect on development, some native tribes refuse the idea of development and choose the traditional way of life and other societies (e.g. Tibet) do not see value in material goods.

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