Cosmetic Surgery Essay

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Women’s bodies in western society have visible standards of beauty and normality. The female body has always been seen as in constant need of improvement and women are chained to the false belief that their self-worth is somewhat tied to their physical appearance. The breast implant industry started in the 1960s and has steadily risen in popularity since then and the first nose job was as early as the 1920s. The growing beauty and cosmetic surgery industry is an indicator of greater cultural developments. As health, fitness, and appearances progressively determined your self-esteem, social status, and possible jobs and close relationships, the idea of achieving the perfect body blew up both ideologically and commercially over the 20th century. (Gillespie, 1996). The concept of perfecting one’s body is hardly a modern phenomenon, so it comes as no surprise that the area of female body improvement has spread to the female genitalia. . It could be said that are growing pressure on women to conform to cultural standards of suitable femininity. The public gaze is no longer just confined ...

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