Personal Life Quality Poverty By Corrado Gini

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In this study, a direct correlation between personal life quality measurement and the Gini coefficient is expected to be found. Gini coefficient measures degree of equality in a country’s income distribution. It was first defined by Italian statistician Corrado Gini (1884-1965). The Gini coefficient ranges between 0 and 100. Where 0 represents completely equality while 100 represents completely inequality. The expectation of this study is based on the fact that when the Gini coefficient is low, which means social wealth is distributed more equality within one country compared to the other countries which have higher Gini coefficient. More equal social and wealth distribution is more likely to cause a higher quality of life. In this study, we will look at seven life quality measurements: real personal disposable income, average real wage, unemployment rate, life expectancy, infant mortality rate, adult literacy rate political stability rating, risk of armed conflict, and hope to find correlations between those variables and Gini coefficient. This research is important for many reasons. Poverty is a global issue and is being aggravated by inequality. A study found
Over the past few decades, the economics move upward and downward of the business cycle for most countries. In a strong economy, there tends to be low unemployment rates, high real personal disposable income and average real wage. During a recession, real personal disposable income and average real wage tends to be decrease and the unemployment rates tend to rise. When people in the unemployment situation, they will have less money than their life requirement. Their life quality decreases when they can barely put food on the table for their families or afford their bills. Increased inequality will make it even worse. Many people equate money with freedom, security, success and even happiness. People can not talk about life quality without

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