Literature Review: Cooperative Learning And Cooperative Learning

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Cooperative learning and teaching is teaching and learning method which involves collaboration with group members whereas cooperative teaching method is effective in acquire problem-solving skills, critical thinking skills and creativity.
Literature review on cooperative learning was studied with various purposes such as teacher’s belief and intentions on application of cooperative learning, based on student color classification, based on heterogeneous and homogeneous groups, effect on passive learning environment, identification of dysfunctional teams, and advantage of cooperative learning over traditional method. Effect of cooperative learning on student’s academic achievement, enhance social, cooperative skills and thinking styles.
Student academic improvement can be associated if computer based instruction are provided for high and low achievers and identify dysfunctional teams in an early stage which are measured in reliable and efficient manner. Majority of authors have expressed advantage of cooperative learning and method over traditional learning and method. Some of the authors have reported advantage of cooperative learning based on social and cooperative skills, improving cognitive domain and group creativity skills.
Review of literature for cooperative learning by various authors on different methods analyze the results indicate that statistical approach has been the most common method and secondly pretest/posttest, Heterogeneous and Homogeneous grouping, Development method, Questionnaire, Quasi-experimental nonequaivalent control group design, Paired or individual treatment group and Randomized block
Most of authors have stated that cooperative learning was beneficial to students in terms of improving academic achievement, developing social and cooperative skills, improving attitudes towards group working; low achievers can be improved in their academic performance if they are in heterogeneous group. Dysfunctional index is a measure to assess student achievement within a cooperative grouping.
Review of literature on cooperative learning and method provided relevance to current research topic and also application to real life situation. Relevance came from various authors regarding advantage of cooperative learning method over traditional method in terms of student academic achievement particularly low achieving student’s ability. Cooperative learning has several advantages such as increase in problem solving, development of social and cooperative skills which student may lack when they go out in job and critical thinking

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